Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Blog #4

I really like that we are helping a community member with the class experience. I really hope that some of our ideas are able to be used to create a really nice program for the Salvation Army and maybe even change some lives. 

That being said, teaching is exhausting! :)

As for the communities we are researching, I am definitely finding that there are certainly a lot of needs to be met, but for the most part people want to better themselves- they just want something worthwhile to attend. By looking at different program styles and incentives, we can hopefully get more people attending for the Salvation Army and more often.

Blog #3

I am making connections to real life from my class because the more you search in databases, the more you learn, even when you're a librarian!  I feel like I have been successful in finding good results so far, and hope that the Salvation Army appreciates all the various articles and ideas we are coming up with. I've had some doubts about finding information about incentives for life skills programs, but I think now that we have chunked out the various aspects of the S.A.'s life skills workshops we will be able to find better sources.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog #2

During our trip to the Stark County Salvation Army headquarters I was struck by a few things.
1. They could really use an update to their rooms. Whether this is new furniture, a paint job, etc.
2. They could probably try to be better organized. It would be nice to have dedicated rooms for the various programs that they host. I think we may have come on a busy day though, since the Major mentioned that they had had that huge shipment of food.
3. They do so much! Even with the connection my dad has to the Salvation Army, I really didn't think of them as much more than the storefront and the Santa bell ringing at Christmas time. The fact that they can give away a whole Thanksgiving dinner to over 200 families is awesome!

I am looking forward to doing some research along with you guys. I have already found some interesting articles regarding intergenerational programs (one did art and one did yoga!) and now I want to help the SA answer the question of what will entice people to come to the various programs too.


My name is Katie and I am the instructor for this class. I am technically doing this blog late; so I am glad I don't get a grade. Haha.

I have a pretty extensive background in research. I was a history major here at Walsh (class of 2008) and started really learning how to research then. And then I got my Master in Library and Information Science (MLIS) from Kent State so I've been doing this for a while. I worked at the University of Akron for about a year and a half and now I've been a librarian at Walsh since 2010.

I have, however, never done research for an organization. I am a little daunted by this, but excited nonetheless. We have a real opportunity to make change for the Salvation Army.

My family also has a bit of a connection to the S.A. My father is an insurance administrator and one of the companies (in fact, the major company) that his insurance firm represents is the S.A. My dad even said that Major Boynton called him to say hello and that he was excited for this Walsh partnership after my initial meeting with him!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A month (and then some) to go...

Wow, class starts in a little over a month!

I hope you all had a fantastic summer.

Looking forward to meeting everyone in ENG 343: Community Research Connections!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I am testing this blog for my upcoming Community Research Connections class here at Walsh University.
It's December, 2013. Can you believe I am pre-planning this much?!?! Where is this motivation coming from and can I transfer it to cleaning my house at some point?

Well, a little about myself.
My name is Katie Hutchison. I received a BA in History from Walsh University in 2008 and my Masters in Library and Information Science from Kent State University in 2009.
Look. I have graduated! Woot!
I have a daughter, Eleanor. As of this post, she is 18 months old.
Halloween, 2013.
I enjoy having time to myself (haha), trying new restaurants, wine tastings, cooking, crafting, and Doctor Who.

So, anyway, welcome to my blog. I hope you all have a good time in this class and learn a lot of useful skills that you can use in other classes and in the workplace. I will be blogging alongside all of you as we go through this course.

Feel free to ask me any questions, whether they are questions about the library, research, Walsh, or real life!